Tim Arnold

Director & Editor

Give Couleur

Give Couleur


Give Couleur

Over the last decade the number of people experiencing homelessness in The Netherlands has nearly doubled. Luckily, in Amsterdam you can find ‘walk-in homes’ where homeless people can wash their clothes, take a shower and meet other people. Simple basics we all need in our everyday life.

But, the walk-in homes need some improvement.

On #worldhomelessday Homebass Foundation launched their Give Couleur campaign. Joining forces with renowned Amsterdam festivals Chasing the Hihat, ZeeZout, Strafwerk and Nomads to raise money and give ‘couleur’ to 4 walk-in homes in Amsterdam.

So, give a brush, a lamp, a radio or a plant and GIVE COULEEEEEEUUURRR

More info at https://geefcouleur.nl/

An initiative by Homebass Foundation in close collaboration with De Regenboog Groep and Paco Foundation. Supported by ZonMw.

Creative: Robert-Jan Glas
Head of production: Floor Brasjen

Music by Boris Werner

Before and after:
Inloophuis Oud-West

Inloophuis Amoc

Case study

Meet the people who GAVE COULEEEEEUUURRRR!!