Tim Arnold
Director & Editor
KITKAT - A Break from FIFA Rage
CommercialKITKAT - A Break from FIFA Rage
KITKAT offers FIFA gamers an easy win to remind them to ‘have a break’
The campaign ‘Giving Gamers a Break’ draws on the brand’s established ‘Have a Break. Have a KitKat’ strapline to offer players the chance to drop out and pick up a snappable biscuit. Targeting players of Fifa Ultimate Team (FUT) Champions Weekend League, the campaign coincided with one of the most competitive tournaments in the world of gaming, prompting the snack brand to step in to alleviate some of the pressure.
Overseen by Wunderman Thompson Amsterdam, the intervention saw KitKat introduce 100 easily-beatable players into the fray in the form of the Kitto Kath Squad, whose bumbling players delighted their opponents by scoring an own goal and abruptly quitting the game. The easiest win of their lives was followed by a message from KitKat advising the lucky players to ‘Have a break. Have an easy win’ by taking the opportunity for a well-earned hiatus from play.
- The Drum
Press coverage
Contagious: Campaign of the Week
LBB Online
Campaign Asia
Marketing Interactive
Campaign Brief Asia
Client: Nestlé
Agency: Wunderman Thompson