Tim Arnold

Director & Editor

How Normal Was Normal?

How Normal Was Normal?


How Normal Was Normal?

We live in an era of global crises. Covid19 forced us to stop. In the people-led response to the pandemic we saw another world emerging. 

'Creatives in the UK and Australia use Covid-19 to challenge pre-lockdown status quo in intense film for Extinction Rebellion.'

Vested interests will do everything they can to stop us from learning the lessons of this global pandemic. Our climate is beig destroyed and our politicians and political systems will return us to 'normal' if we do not rebel. Refuse to go back. Join us in rebellion right now.

Structural political change is necessary - citizens assemblies are the way forwards.
Deliberation, not debate. Citizens, not politicians.

Power has had it’s chance and failed.

We will not be servants of systems that will kill us - we transform our anger and embody peaceful regenerative refusal and resistance. We are in open nonviolent rebellion, together with our global family, for all young people alive now, and all of life yet to come.

We need to collaboratively plan for (planet and human) repairs..


Press coverage:

The Stable
Best Ads on TV
Campaigns of the World
Creative Review
Muse by Clio
Ads of the World

Shortlist at The British Arrows - Made in Lockdown

In collaboration with: Luke O’Driscoll & Marco Mollo (Creatives at Saatchi&Saatchi Wellness London), Milos Mlynarik (DP) and Jessica Hartley (PR director at The Humblebrag)