PlayStation - Horizon: Forbidden West

Join Aloy as she braves the Forbidden West, a deadly frontier that conceals mysterious new threats.

This week, the city centers of Amsterdam, Utrecht and Rotterdam are the scene of a PlayStation campaign to celebrate the release of the new PlayStation game Horizon: Forbidden West. This game was released on February 18 for the PlayStation 4 and 5 and developed by the Dutch developer Guerrilla. Horizon: Forbidden West is set in a fictional and colourful world where humanity has been displaced by robots. To create awareness for the game, a heavily battered and overgrown bus will be parked on the Museumplein in Amsterdam on Wednesday 23 February. Passers-by can learn more about the video game on this bus. The bus plays a role in the game. Near the bus on February 23, a large flower can be found, also inspired by the game.

The special flower can also be found in the city centers of Rotterdam and Utrecht from Wednesday 23 February to Friday 25 February. It is not clear how many flowers are involved. PlayStation has also transformed bus shelters into overgrown areas where an employee is handing out poems. The poem is printed on seed paper (biodegradable paper with flower seeds) and encourages passers-by to participate in a competition on social media. The bus shelters also contain digital billboards about the new video game. The campaign is a collaboration between PlayStation (Sony), Fitzroy, BAAS and RaΓΊl&Rigel.

Agency: Fitzroy
Client: Sony PlayStation

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Invitation to 'Witness The Ruins Of The Old Ones'  

πŸ“… 23.2.2022
🧭 Museumplein, Amsterdam
🏹 π˜›π˜©π˜¦ 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘣π˜ͺπ˜₯π˜₯𝘦𝘯 𝘞𝘦𝘴𝘡


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